Welcome to the youth page. Activities and support provided include the following:
Young Greenwich has a variety of youth club sessions located in different areas across Greenwich, providing young people with a safe space to socialise, have fun, learn new things and fulfill their potential.
All our youth hubs are open access and accessible for all young people.
The youth hubs offer weekly sessions, providing young people with opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities and get support from youth workers, mentors, sexual health advisers and nurses, etc.
Visit our youth hub pages:
Young Greenwich offers a variety of sports sessions in different areas of Greenwich for young people for different ages and abilities to get active whilst meeting new people in a safe environment. These sessions are run by specialised and qualified coaches and partners and include football, boxing, judo, dance.
Visit all our sports services:
Greenwich Peninsula Football Club
Specialised partners offer a variety of art and music activities and services for young people to explore creativity and develop skills in a safe and fun environment.
Youth clubs also offer a variety of arts and craft and music production activities and workshops.
Visit all our arts and music services:
YG’s youth clubs and partners offer activities and support around healthy lifestyles and well-being, including cooking sessions, exercises and mindfulness workshops and general support and advice around health and wellbeing.
Please visit our services page to find out more
Young Greenwich offers learning and skills development support through a wide variety of activities, including volunteering and recognised training and awards, language learning and homework and tutoring support.